Thursday, May 22, 2014

Finished Product

Log of Meetings

People Present
Alex, Taylor, Evangeline
Alex researched the dimensions of the catapult for the maximum range. Taylor researched the energy that is present in the launching of the balloon. She took notes. Evangeline researched the force that acts upon the catapult and how Newton’s three laws are present during the launch. Taylor discovered the modifications of energy that needs to change in order to increase the range.
Alex, Taylor, Evangeline
Taylor and Alex drew the diagram showing the forces acting on the catapult. Me and Taylor also searched information for the projectile motion portion.
Taylor finished researching the information about projectile motion and added to the post. She also drew a diagram showing projectile motion for the catapult.
Evangeline posted the picture of the force diagram onto the blog.
Alex, Taylor, Evangeline
All three of us met up at Alex’s house and began building the catapult. Evangeline helped cut the wood, and Taylor nailed the wood together. Alex also nailed the wood together and helped hold the wood together while we built it. Alex also helped measure out the wood to build the base.
Alex, Taylor, Evangeline
All three of us met up at Alex’s house to finish and test our catapult. Alex pulled the trigger each trial and measured how many feet the balloon landed. Evangeline helped Alex attach the weights to the catapult. Taylor brought the lacrosse stick over and helped attach it to the arm. All three of us took videos of the trials and explained what changes were made for each launch. Alex and Evangeline filled up water balloons.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Trail Runs

1. First launch
2.  Second launch: We changed the blue container that holds the balloon to a lacrosse stick. The balloon went about 45 feet this trial.
3. Third launch: This time we moved the bar down which increased the length of the arm just to see if the distance would increase. This time the balloon went about 40 feet.
4. Fourth launch: For this run we cut the arm to the right requirement. For this run the balloon didn't go as farther.
5. Fifth launch: We added a bar to the base to change the angle and see if it would increase the range.

6. Sixth launch: The last thing we did was add a string to pull the arm back. This time we used a baseball and it went about 35 feet.  

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Projectile Motion

The variables within projectile motion are the distance of the balloon after being thrown, how long it takes for the balloon to hit the ground, and lastly the maximum height of the balloon when being launched into the air.

A projectile has a horizontal motion component and a vertical motion component. Gravity only affects the vertical motion of a projectile. Because there is nothing affecting the horizontal motion component, the horizontal velocity is constant. Gravity is an acceleration that acts downward. It causes objects moving in an upward direction to slow. On the other hand, it causes objects moving in a downward direction to speed up.
For upwardly launched projectiles the speed that it goes up equals the speed that it hits the ground. The time it takes to reach its highest point equals the time it takes to hit the ground. It's launched with an initial velocity of zero, and to accelerate the projectile a force must be applied. The gravity of the horizontal motion is constant since we assume the acceleration is zero during launching.

The modifications needed to increase the range of the projectile would be to increase the time the balloon is in the air. In order to increase the time that the water balloon is in the air, the speed at which it is launched needs to be faster and the arm of the catapult needs to increase in length. The faster the arm releases the balloon, the faster the balloon will travel therefore increasing the distance within the time it is in the air. The longer the arm is, the farther the balloon will land due to the arm being able to reach a larger height a projecting it further than a shorter catapult arm would.